Greater NE Indiana Defense Industry Team Members, on behalf of the Lt Governor’s new Director of the Indiana Office for Defense Development, Danielle Chrysler and the Director of the National Center for Complex Operations, Major General Cliff Tooley (ret), I am welcoming you to a discussion about growing defense across Indiana, specifically for this discussion, NE Indiana. The event will be held at Greater Fort Wayne Inc. on the 1st of June in groups at the following times (please sign up for your applicable group below):
1000 – 1030: Social time / Coffee and Water
1030 – 1130: GFW Inc. Welcome / Meeting with GFW Inc. Team
1130 – 1pm: NIDIA Working Lunch with Board and Association Members
1pm – 2pm: Meeting with the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership (NEIRP)/Chamber Team
2pm – 3pm: Meeting with NE Indiana Local, State and Federal Legislative Teams
3pm – 4pm: Meeting with the National Contract Management Association (NCMA)
4pm – Close: Coordinated Follow On Engagements (from the meetings)
As part of this meeting series, they’d like to listen to your thoughts and challenges and discuss how to turn excitement about growing defense into opportunity for Indiana. The landscape to grow defense is rapidly changing in Indiana in a positive direction under the leadership of these great professionals and the organizations they lead.
Don’t miss out on this one — please freely share in your organizations to allow everyone an opportunity to sign up. Meeting room size is limited. Sign up now!
Register Here:
David Augustine
SVP of BD, Stryke Industries