Fellow NIDIA Members, thanks for standing with us as we try to develop interest and opportunities in NE Indiana in the defense sector. For some of you, you have experienced record growth this past year yet for others, you still are finding challenges getting jump started post sequestered budgets. NIDIA is founded on growth and we are committed to assisting you in connecting the dots to success with other primes, agencies in government to include R&D and if necessary, diversifying your portfolio of work through programs such as DMAP. And that is exactly why your board has brought in a cross section of great speakers across America for you to engage with at IPFW on the 15th of October, speakers to include our Lt. Gov Dr. Sue Ellspermann and the genius behind CBS’s hit TV Show, Scorpion – Walter O’Brien! We also are excited about this event since this is our annual combined luncheon with the Fort Wayne Base Community Council, a council that focuses on taking care of our military men and women who serve in NE Indiana. With the lineup for this conference, I anticipate seats filling quickly so please register by October 5, 2015.
Click Here to View Event Overview
On behalf of the NIDIA Board, see you there!
David L. Augustine
Chairman – Northeast Indiana Defense Industry Association