Please plan to attend the Northeast Indiana Defense Industry Association All-Member Meeting
Date: August 20, 2019
Location: Marriott Courtyard, downtown Ft Wayne (1150 S. Harrison Street)
Reception afterwards at the Hampton Inn Rooftop, overlooking Parkview Field
- 4pm– All-Member Meeting
- 6pm – Reception, Networking, Meet-n-Greet, Hampton Inn Rooftop patio
- 7pm – Stay and watch the Ft Wayne TinCaps from the Hampton Rooftop patio!
Tentative Agenda:
- NIDIA Overview – presented by Rick Howard, NIDIA chaiir
- Conexus Overview – presented by Mark Howell, CEO & President of CONEXUS
- Cyber Update – presented by Gene Jones, Purdue Manufacturing Extension Partnership
- Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership Overview – presented by Nick Darrah, NEIRP
Please register for this event here: