Lifeline Data Centers in Fort Wayne is hosting another Open House to tour their facility and meet the owners and would like to invite NIDIA members.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Rick Howard by sending an email to
Thursday, November 19, 2020 at Noon (12:00 pm)
7601 S. Anthony Blvd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46816
(Please come through the barrier gateway and park on the North side of the parking lot. The entrance s on the Northern side of the building.)
Event Description:
Lifeline Data Centers Ft. Wayne Data Center will be the first commercially available EMP (electromagnetic pulse) CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) shielded data center in the United States. The facility will house 84,000 square feet of colocation and private cloud space that is protected through a reinforced structure with a custom, state of the art, electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) shield.
Get a sneak peak into this historic facility. Co-owners Alex Carroll and Rich Banta will be available to discuss any questions you may have regarding the technology behind the data center and why Lifeline selected Fort Wayne as its newest location.