NIDIA Members,

Today is the LAST DAY to register for this Friday’s Legislative Breakfast!

This Friday, July 15th, we will be holding our first ever NIDIA Legislative Breakfast. This breakfast, free to members and guests, will allow dialogue to discuss shaping the playing field for growing the NE Indiana Defense Industry over the next 4 years. Along with rolling out our “Why NE Indiana for Defense” marketing plan produced by the Purdue Center for Regional Development, we will also discuss our NIDIA 2020 Plan which will lay out easy steps for our legislative engine in Indiana to assist in growing our defense industrial engine. The Chair for the inaugural breakfast is Stacey Smith, the President and CEO of Prairie Quest Consulting (PQC) with Ivy Tech sponsoring the site location.

Date: July 15th
Time: 8am to 9:30am
Location: Ivy Tech Coliseum Campus – 3800 N. Anthony Blvd., Room 1640, Fort Wayne, IN 46805
Event Registration:
Questions: Please contact us at

Please sign up early — seats are filling fast!



David Augustine, Col (ret)
Senior Vice President for Business Development, Stryke Industries ( )
Chairman of the Board, Northeast Indiana Defense Industry Association ( )