September 2, 2021
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, in the early morning, the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) passed the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (FY22 NDAA.) Rep. Jim Banks sits on HASC which is responsible for authorizing funding levels for the military.
Throughout this process, Rep. Banks was able to fight to ensure that the FY22 NDAA delivers on northeast Indiana’s defense priorities.
“I’m proud of the work I did with this bill. I was able to use my seat on the Committee to help my colleagues understand northeast Indiana’s vital role in defense research and manufacturing. Northeast Indiana will continue to make important contributions to national security for years to come,” said Rep. Banks. “I’m also pleased that the House version of the bill increased overall funding levels for the military. With the unfolding crisis in Afghanistan and the threat of ISIS-K, Congress must prioritize America’s security.”
Hoosier Priorities Included in FY22 NDAA:
- Secured additional $54M for purchase of US Navy Sonobuoys, which are instrumental in antisubmarine warfare
- Secured additional $10M for development of high band jamming capability for Naval aircraft
- Secured additional $8.7M for security improvements in combat system microelectronics
- Secured additional $33M for development of the Army’s Advanced Combat Engine
- Secured additional $33M for the Future Long Range Assault Aircraft development
- Secured additional $10M for Next Generation Countermeasure (NGCM) acoustic device for US Navy submarines
- Secured language for development of testing capability for Hypersonic technology
- Secured additional $5M toward development of Hypersonic Propulsion testing for aircraft
- Secured additional $12M for thermal management for US military directed energy programs
- Required a report to DoD by December 30, 2021 on development of Army Advance Combat Engine for potential future use
- Required a report to DoD by April 1, 20220 on Future Vertical Lift advancements for US military
- Included language to foster Defense Innovation Unit growth into regional centers, including the Midwest
- Included language to launch a Talent Optimization Program within the Defense Innovation Unit
The following amendments were introduced by Rep. Banks and passed by HASC:
- Mandating a report investigating the Taliban’s economic, political, and military relationships with other Foreign Terrorist Organizations
- Mandating a report on the Taliban’s access to financial resources, such as weapons systems and rare earth minerals.
- Amendments supporting the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence’s recommendations, including more flexible funding for emerging technologies in the Department of Defense.
- Language supporting the Navy’s Convention Prompt Strike Program
- Two amendments from the HASC Future of Defense Task Force I co-chaired from 2019-2020:
- Directing a briefing from the Secretary of Defense to discuss DOD’s use of artificial intelligence, autonomous systems and AI work with universities and non-traditional companies.
- Directs the Comptroller General to produce a report on aging equipment in the DOD and which platforms are technologically outdated.
- Language supporting an increased emphasis on semiconductor production.
- Requiring a briefing on DOD’s efforts to inform and educate entities contracting with the Department about efforts targeting employees to commit espionage.
- Mandating a strategy on autonomy integration for major weapons systems.
- Language supporting underwater cut and capture capabilities, such as at Crane Navy Base.
- Requires a briefing on the development of attritable air vehicles and that are believed to play an important role in effectively countering Chinese anti-access area denial threats.
- Funding for Artificial Intelligence Maritime maneuvering and university research initiatives.