Thanks to everyone that attended our NIDIA All-Member meeting on August 20th in downtown Ft Wayne! Special thanks to our presenters: Bryce Carpenter from Conexus, Gene Jones from Purdue, and Nick Darrah from the Regional Partnership. It was a great opportunity to obtain information pertinent to our industry and region.

NIDIA Donates to TechFest of Northeast Indiana

NIDIA also made a donation of $2,500 to TechFest of Northeast Indiana. NIDIA STEM committee members Lynne Miller, Dave Jost, and Joe Predina presented the check to Kurt Whited and Noah Miller during our meeting (photo).

The Hampton Inn’s new Rooftop Patio, overlooking Parkview Field was the perfect venue for networking after our meeting and watching a little baseball. Our next All-member meeting will be in December. We will finalize the date and agenda soon; hope to see you there!